Name three synonyms for dystopia.
What is the antonym for dystopia?
As in hell, anti-utopia
Defining features of dystopia include:
Full Government control
Citizens relinquishing all rights
Seemingly perfect societies with a dark side to them
The rise of technology, and how it overtakes humanity
Citizens have a fear of the outside world
Citizens worship one leader
Citizens live in a dehumanised state
What do you think the story will be about? Whilst camping at a local spot affectionately called Hell.
When do you think the story is set? John marsden
Why do you think the cover has soldiers, barbed wire and guns? I don’t know
Do you think the story will be interesting? It will be amazing
Read through Chapter 1. Use the words in bold to fill in the blanks.
There’s only one way to do this and that’s to tell it in order, chronological order. I know writing it down is important to us. That’s why we all got so excited when Robyn suggested it. It’s terribly, terribly important .Recording what we’ve done, in words, on paper, it’s got to be our way of telling ourselves that we mean something, that we matter. Pg. 2
Excited, matter, chronological, suggested, important
‘We’ve got a wimp for a Foreign Minister,’ the face was shouting . ‘He’s weak, he’s gutless, he’s the new Neville Chamberlain. He doesn’t understand the people he’s dealing with. They strength, not weakness !’ ‘Do you think defence is high on the Government’s Agenda ?’ the interviewer asked. ‘High? High? You must be joking! Do you know what they’ve cut from the defence budget ?’ Pg. 9
budget, defence, wimp, respect, weakness, shouting,agenda,
‘After all, what’s the worst thing that could happen? Hunters in four-wheel drives? They’d have to come through our place, and Dad'd stop them. Bushfires ? There’s so much rock up there we’d be safer than we would at home. Snakebite ? We all know how to treat snakebite. We can’t get lost, cos Tailor’s Stitch is like a highway. I’ve been going up into that country since I could walk.’
Pg. 12
snakebite, worst, treat, bushfires, country, hunters
Read through Chapter 2. Use the words in bold to fill in the blanks.
If Dad had known how bad the track was he’d never have let us take the Land Rover. He trusts my driving, but not that much. Still, we bounced along, me wrestling with the wheel, doing a steady five k’s, with occasional bursts up to ten. P.17
wrestling, track, trusts, occasional, bouncing
At least they seemed willing to take a shot at the first of Satan Steps. But even the first step was difficult. We had to drop into a tangle of old logs and blackberries, then scramble up the tilted scarred face of the rock. We got quite scarred ourselves. There was a fair bit of swearing and sweating and pulling other people up and hanging on to other people’s packs before we were all standing on top, peering down at Homer’s ledge. P.24
tilted, satan’s, scarred, peering, swearing, tangle, scramble, hanging
It was a pretty little thing. The sun didn’t reach it, so it was dark and cool and secret . The water bubbled over rocks that were green and slippery with moss. I knelt and soaked my face, then lapped like a dog as the others started to arrive. P27
Bubbled, slippery, lapped, soaked, reach, pretty, secret
Read through Chapter 3. Use the words in bold to fill in the blanks.
The track was taking us downhill all the time. It wound around a bit, looking for the best route , but the trend was always downhill. It was going to be quite a sweat getting back up. We’d lost a lot of altitude . It was beautiful though, quiet, shady , cool and damp. There were no flowers, just more shades of green and brown than the English language knows about. The ground was deep in leaf litter there were times when we lost the track beneath heaps of bark and leaves and twig , but a search around under the trees always found it again. P. 31
route, trend, downhill, damp, altitude, shady, twigs, litter, search, sweat
We found ourselves in a clearing about the size of a hockey field, or a bit bigger. It would have been hard to play hockey on though, because it wasn’t much of a clearing. It was studded with trees, three beautiful old eucalypts and quite a few suckers and saplings. The creek was at the western edge; you could hear it but not see it. The creek was flatter and wider here and cold, freezing cold, even on a summer day. P.32
beautiful, western, saplings, clearing, flatter, freezing, hocke
Read through Chapter 4. Use the words in bold to fill in the blanks.
He just stood there white in the face and trembling , looking like he was going to cry. I think he was so paralysed that he would have waited and let the snake crawl up his leg and bite him. It was funny, considering how tough he’d been when he had the stick and was lifting the bag, thinking he was safe But there wasn’t really much time or space for rational thoughts at that stage of my life; my irrational mind was running the show. P36
trembling, paralysed, tough, safe, rational, running, stick, crawl
I went for a walk back up the track, to the last of Satan’s steps The sun had already warmed the great granite wall and leaned against it with my eyes half shut, thinking about our hike, and the path and the man who’d built it, and this place called Hell. ‘Why did people call it Hell?’ I wondered . All those cliffs and rocks, and that vegetation , it did look wild. But wild wasn’t Hell. Wild was fascinating, difficult , and wonderful. No place was Hell, no place could be Hell. It’s the people calling it Hell, that’s the only thing that made it so. P.43
Warmed, vegetation, wild, granite, steps, wondered, difficult, people
Can Do Tasks: Select two of the following tasks to complete and post to your blog.
2. VOCABULARY - Find the meanings of the following words, write the meaning using your own words. Chronological, Authority, Alternatives, Gratification, Obstinate, Hoist, Unsympathetic, Scrutinising, Commemoration, Hysterically, Concealed.
4. CREATE- You have now encountered 7 of the 8 main characters. Create a relationship web that shows the relationships between each of the characters. Include next to each person a brief description of who they are.
Read through Chapter 5. Use the words in bold to fill in the blanks.
We got fat and lazy , camping in the clearing . Every day someone would say ‘OK, today we’re difinitely going up the top and doing a good long walk’, and every day we’d all say ‘Yeah, I’ll come’, ‘Yeah, we’re getting too slack ’, ‘Yeah, good idea’. P.45
Clearing, lazy, definitely, slack, long, good
It’s how quickly your attitude can change. I remember hearing on the radio someone saying how prisoners of war had been so grateful for any little scrap of food when they were liberated at the end of World War Two, then two days later they were complaining because they got chicken noodle soup instead of tomato. That was just like us – and still is. P.51
Radio, attitudes, prisoners, scrap, liberated, complaining, us, noodle, amazing
It was about half an hour from the swimming hole to home. I don’t know if I was happy that day – those tense and edgy Feelings were getting stronger and stronger – but I do know I’ve never been happy since. P55
Stronger, happy, swimming, tense, feelings
Read through Chapter 6. Use the words in bold to fill in the blanks.
The dogs were dead . That was my first thought. They didn’t jump around and bark when we drove in, or moan with joy when I ran over to them, like they always had done. They lay beside their little galvanised iron humpies, flies all over them, oblivious to the last warmth of the sun. Their eyes were red and desperate and their snouts were covered with dried froth . P55
Dead, galvanised, oblivious, jump, snouts, froth, ran, red, moan
I came back with the radio, switching it on as I rushed along the corridor , spinning the tuner to find a station. By the time I got to the kitchen I’d already scanned the whole range once and got nothing but static Must have gone too fast, I thought, like I always do. I never learn . I started the second search as the others watched anxiously , uncomprehending. This time I was slow and careful , but the result was the same: nothing. Now we were all really frightened. P.59
Learn, anxiously, careful, nothing,Corridor, tuner, scanned, static, really
‘Maybe all my mother’s stories made me think of it before you guys. And like Robyn said before, if we’re wrong ,’ he was struggling to get the words out, his face twisting like someone having a stroke, ‘if we’re wrong you can laugh as long and loud as you want. But for now, for now, let’s say it’s true . Let’s say we’ve been invaded . I think there might be a war ’ P.68
tar, twisting, stroke, laugh, true, stories, wrong, struggling, invaded
Read through Chapter .7 Use the words in bold to fill in the blanks.
Corrie, I’m in the Show Secretary’s office . Something’s going on. People say it’s just army manoeuvres but I’m sending this anyway, then heading home to tear it up so no one’ll know what an idiot I’ve been. But Corrie, if you do get this, go bush . Take great care. Don’t come out till you know it’s safe . Much love darling . Dad. P.73
Army, Office, tear, idiot, bush, safe, darling
The town was in darkness , no street lights even. There must have been some power though, because there were quite strong lights at the Showground – the floodlights they used for the trotting track – and a couple of buildings in the centre of town were lit . As we sat there we talked softly about our next move. There was no question that we had to try to reach Fi’s house, and Lee’s. Not because we expected to find anyone, but because five of us had seen our homes, had seen the emptiness , had been given a chance to understand, and it was only fair that the last two should get the same right. P.74
lit, next, reach, darkness, power, floodlights, expected, emptiness, fair
Read through Chapter 8. Use the words in bold to fill in the blanks.
It was hard for me to believe that I, plain old Ellie, nothing special about me, middle of the road in every way, had probably just killed three people. It was too big a thing for me to get my mind around. When I thought of it baldly like that: killed three people, I was so filled with horror . I felt that my life was permanently damaged , that I could never be normal again, that the rest of my life would just be a shell . Ellie might walk and talk and eat and drink but the inside Ellie, her feelings, was condemned to wither and die. P.95
Condemned, Probably, plain, badly, wither, horror, damaged, shell,
‘You guys did well. Don’t feel so bad. This is war . now, and normal rules . don’t apply. These people have invaded .our land, locked .up our families. They caused your dogs to die, Ellie, and they tried to kill you three . The Greek side of me understands . these things. The moment they left their country to come here they knew what they were doing. They’re the ones who tore up the rule book, not us.’ p.96
tore, war, caused, three, rules, invaded, locked, understands, country,
Can Do Tasks: Select two of the following tasks to complete and post to your blog.
VOCABULARY - Find the meanings of the following words, write the meaning using your own words. Underestimate, Itinerary, Improvise, Motivate, Conspicuous, Feeble, Delirious, Sentry, Agonise, Famine
WRITING - During the lawnmower incident we encounter foreign sentries. Write a diary entry from the point of view of one of the invading soldiers. Consider what they might see, do and feel during a day in occupied Wirrawee.
Read through Chapter 9. Use the words in bold to fill in the blanks.
Corrie, we were still innocent. Right up to yesterday . We didn’t believe in Santa Claus but we believed in other fantasies. You said it. You said the big one. We believed we were safe . That was the big fantasy . Now we know we’re not, and like you said, we’ll never feel safe again, and so it’s bye- bye innocence. It’s been nice knowing you, but you’re gone now.’ P. 107
knowing, safe, fantasy, believed, big, yesterday, innocent, feel
There was something sinister about it, something diabolical . It flew with a sense of purpose, deliberate and cold-blooded. As it crossed the road it seemed to pause a little, give a slight shudder . From under each wing flew two little darts , two horrible black things that grew as they approached us. They were coming terribly fast. Corrie gave a cry that I’ll never forget, like a wounded bird. One rocket hit the house, and one was all it took. The house came apart in slow motion. P.119
Approached, fast, wounded,Sinister, diabolical, apart, deliberate, shudder, darts
Read through Chapter 10. Use the words in bold to fill in the blanks.
At the top of the hill nothing had changed. The view over Wirrawee was the same, the lights were still on at the Showground, and in a few other places . One of those places, as Homer pointed out, was the Hospital. It looked like they had it functioning . But there was no sign of Robyn or Lee. P.126
hill, functioning, sign, view, lights, places, pointed
Robyn looked ghastly too; the torchlight didn’t help, but her face was more like a skull than a face, high cheekbones and gaunt cheeks and sunken eyes. And we all smelt so bad. It seemed a long time since our swim in the river, and we’d sweated a lot in the meantime. P.130
gaunt, sweated, swim, ghastly, skull, torchlight, smelt,
‘We’re going to have to get him out. They’ll find him pretty quickly there. The more settled these people get, the more they’ll organise themselves, and the more they’ll start getting tighter control of everything. P.136
quickly, going, settled, organise, tighter, more
Read through Chapter 11. Use the words in bold to fill in the blanks.
The first bullets hit. They rang on the steel of the truck like a giant with a sledgehammer was attacking it. Some of them hummed away again, out into the darkness , violent blind mosquitoes, ricochets. I hoped they wouldn’t hit anyone innocents . P. 143
Bullets, steel, giant, hummed, darkness, blind, innocent
For a week he’d had no contact with anyone, just watched from a tree, and later the piggery , as patrol after patrol came through the property. The first group had taken all the cash and jewellery; Chris had buried the other small valuables after that, but had spent the rest of the week in hiding, emerging only to check animals and pick up Supplies from the house. P152
emerging, contact, patrol, supplies taken, piggery, buried, valuables, week
Read through Chapter 12. Use the words in bold to fill in the blanks.
‘And then I think about Corrie and how it must be terrible . for her, much worse than for me. For all you guys with little . brothers and sisters. That must be terrible. And imagine . how Chris’s parents would feel, being overseas., probably not being able to get back into the country , not having a clue what’s happened to Chris.’
‘We don’t know how widespread . this thing is. It could involve a lot of countries. Remember that joke . we made, up in Hell, about World War Three? We could have been right
Terrible, joke, little, imagine, right, overseas, country, clue, widespread, involve
He was asleep, and I was furious . I shouted, screamed, and then kicked him, hard. Even while I was doing it I was shocked at myself. Even now, as I think about it, I’m shocked at myself. The thing that scared me most was the thought that maybe all the violent things I’d been doing, with the ride-on mower and the truck , had transformed me in the space of a couple of nights into a raging monster. But on the other hand, it was unforgivable for Chris to have gone to sleep. He’d risked the lives of all of us by being so slack . P.161
Transformed, furious, myself, thought, kicked, shocked, violent, truck, raging, unforgivable slack
Can do now (3)
VOCABULARY - Find the meanings of the following words, write the meaning using your own words. Manoeuvre, Inconspicuous, Surreptitious, Evasion, Impenetrable, Patriotic, Reconnaissance, Inaccessible, Gaunt, Conscriptview are you writing from? What happens? How do they react/feel?
CREATE- Create a poem based on an event in the story so far. Draw in your reader by using poetic language, metaphors, similes and engaging vocabulary. Aim for 10-20 lines.
Read through Chapter 13. Use the words in bold to fill in the blanks.
One of the small rituals that developed each day was Corrie’s Testing the Trannie. This was a solemn ceremony that took place whenever Corrie got the urge . She’d get up, look at the tent, give a little murmur like ‘I think I might give the trannie another burl’, and walk over to the tent. A moment later she’d emerge with the precious object in her hands and go to the highest point in the clearing and, holding the transistor to her ear, carefully turn the dial. Pg. 166
might, transistor, rituals, urge, precious, solemn, murmur, emerge
‘... warned america not to get involved . The General said that America would find herself in the longest, costliest and bloodiest war in her history if she tried to intervene . He said his forces have occupied several major coastal cities. Much of the inland has been taken already, and losses have been below expectations . Many civilian and military prisoners have been captured and are being held in humanitarian conditions. Red Cross teams will be permitted to inspect them when the situation stabilises.
‘The General repeated his claim that the invaswas aimed at “reducing imbalances within the region”. As international outrage continues to mount, FCA reports sporadic fighting in many country areas and at least two major land battles ...’ Pg. 168
involved, bloodiest, reducing imbalances, humanitarian, sporadic, stabilises, America, occupied, civilian, costliest, intervene, expectations, inspect, invasion
Read through Chapter 14. Use the words in bold to fill in the blanks.
Monday morning a dark river of aircraft flowed overhead for an hour or more. Not ours
unfortunately . I’d never seen so many aircraft. They looked like big fat transport planes and they weren’t being molested by anyone, though a half-hour later six of our Air Force jets whistled past on the same route. We waved to them, optimistically P.179 Aircraft, route, optimistically, unfortunately, whistled, transport
To amuse Fi I closed my eyes, picked up the Bible, opened it at random , pointed to a spot, opened my eyes and read the verse , saying at the same time, ‘Through my psychic finger I will find a sentence that applies to us’. The one I’d picked was this: ‘I hate them with perfect hatred; I count them my enemies .’
‘Golly,’ said Fi. ‘I thought the Bible was meant to be full of love and forgiveness and all that stuff.’ P. 180
hatred, enemies, random, verse, psychic, forgiveness, amuse
Read through Chapter 15. Use the words in bold to fill in the blanks.
Fi drifted off to sleep, but I lay awake listening to the night sounds, the breeze in the hot trees, the howls of feral dogs in the distance, the occasional throaty call of a bird. I wondered how I’d feel if Fi got off with Homer. I still couldn’t quite believe that I suddenly liked Homer so much. He’d been a neighbour, a brother, for so long. I tried to think back to the way he’d been a month ago, a year ago, five years ago when he was just a kid. I wanted to work out when he’d become attractive , or why I hadn’t noticed it before, but I couldn’t feel anything much for the way he’d been in those days. It was like he’d metamorphosed . Overnight he’d become sexy and interesting . Pg.194
metamorphosed, interesting, feral, drifted, attractive, throaty, neighbour
The box was showing the early signs of rust , with some red lines starting to creep along it, but it was in good condition . It was unlocked, and opened easily. Craning over Lee’s arm, I saw nothing but papers and photographs. It was disappointing , although as I realised later gold wasn’t much use to us, living our guerilla life up in the mountains. Lee lifted out the papers and the photos. Underneath them was a small blue case, like a wallet, but made of stiffer material and fastened with a small gold clasp.He opened that, carefully. Inside, wrapped in tissue paper and resting on white linen cloth, was a
brightly coloured short wide ribbon, attached to a heavy bronze medal. Pg. 203
rust, bronze, condition, guerilla, linen, material, realised, disappointing
Read through Chapter 16-17. Use the words in bold to fill in the blanks.
I too had blood on my hands, like the Hermit, and just as I couldn’t tell whether his actions were good or bad, so too I couldn’t tell what mine were. Had I killed out of love of my friends, as part of a noble crusade to rescue friends and family and keep our land free? Or had I killed because I valued my life above that of others? Would it be OK for me to kill a dozen others to keep myself alive? A hundred? A thousand? At what point did I condemn myself to Hell, if I hadn’t already done so? The Bible just said ‘Thou shalt not kill’, then told hundreds of stories of people killing each other and becoming heros , like David with Goliath. That didn’t help me much.
I didn’t feel like a criminal , but I didn’t feel like a hero either. P.216
condemn, blood, criminal, actions, dozen, valued, heroes, crusade
The people we’ve talked to say the soldiers are anxious to keep their noses clean.
They know that sooner or later the United Nations and the Red Cross Will be wandering around, and they don’t want to attract a lot of heat from them. They keep talking about a “clean” invasion . They figure that if there’s no talk of concentration camps and torture and rape and stuff, there’s less chance of countries like America getting involved.’ P.224
invasion, soldiers, concentration,attract, torture, anxious
Can do task :
VOCABULARY - Find the meanings of the following words, write the meaning using your own words: Reverential, Distinguish, Violated, Scrounge, Astonished, Consolation, Gallantry, Stern, Begrudging, Crusade
CREATE- The teenagers have now been scavenging for resources to take back into Hell. Create a checklist of essential items you believe they should be looking for. For each item, give a reason to include it and a location they could likely find it. Think about food, shelter, warmth, communication.
Read through Chapter 18. Use the words in bold to fill in the blanks.
‘The way I see it, these are our _______, now that we know a bit more about the deal. One, we can sit tight and do nothing. And there’s nothing chicken about that. It’s got a lot to ___________ it. We’re not _______ for this stuff, and it’s important for ourselves, and for our families, and for that matter even our _________, that we stay alive. Two, we can have a go at getting our families and maybe other people out of the Showground. That’s a ________ one, probably way beyond our reach. I mean, we’ve got ______ and shotguns but they’d be popguns ___________to what these turkeys are using. Three, we can do something else to help the good guys. That’s us, I might add, in case anyone’s _________.’ He grinned at Robyn. ‘We could involve ourselves in some way that would help us win this war and get our country back. There’s other things we could do too of course, other options, like moving somewhere else, or ___________, but they’re so ________ I don’t think they’re worth ________, although we will if anyone wants to of course. P.238
confused, recommend, remote, discussing, country, surrendering, choices trained, compared, tough, rifles
- And although I ran around everywhere begging for help, screaming to people to call an ambulance, no one responded. This is happening to her because she is realy stress and she is afraid to loss her life.
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