
Wednesday 9 June 2021

English Unpacking Themes and Ideas - Rojan

Tolerance - Tolerance means the ability to put up with others beliefs, attitudes & culture, even when you don't agree/it's different from your own. 

Overcoming adversity -  Pushing through something difficult or dangerous. 

Deep focus - everything in the image is sharp and clear

- Close up shots
- Costume - hat - a symbol of hiding, - Off shows feels safe, on wants hide, not be seen. 

Shallow Focus - focuses us on part of an image and blurs the rest - tells the viewer where their attention is needed 

In the Holocaust scene, the shallow focus is used to show the theme of tolerance. For instants, we see a picture being passed around the room until it reaches it through Jamal. The picture is a stereotype of an African American with big lips and has Jamal names on it. As he receives it, Jamal put his hat back on and shrinks into his chair. The shallow focus is used to bring our attention to the picture and its effect on Jamal. This makes us understand that the picture was used to bullet and embarrass Jamal. This director did this to help us empathise with the character and gain insight into their lives. Coinciding with this is the user is the use of customer -in this case Jamal hats. When Jamal puts the hats on, he wants to hide away and not be seen by the class. This scene introduces the viewer to the theme of the 2tolerance because we can see the currently the students do not respects each others culture, beliefs or identities. This makes students like Jamal feel unsafe in class.

Angles high and low- shows power/dominants 
Lighting - dim/bright- show emotions e.g jamal
Students- close up
Teacher- Mid shots 
We feel the distance between the students the teacher, gap in understanding 
dialogues - Eva 
Close up - students, the director wants us to empathise with them, see it from their perspective. 
Mid shots - On teacher - shows the divide between them.  

In the Holocaust scene, close up are used to show the theme of the emotions of the students. For an instant,  Eva was shouting at the teacher because she 'hates white people on sight'. 
Freedom writer: I am home 

Techniques -   

Brainstorm -a students read his diary to the teacher and & the class
- his family has been evicted 
- he feels at home at school in ms Grawels class 
- overcoming adversity he was come to school despite being evicted.  
Music - Slow, soft and sad.
Lighting - Bright, natural - creates an atmosphere of a warm, happy welcome spare.
Camera - Close up - when he says his home- shows audience emotions.
dolly shots from closeup to mid-back to close up - shows the viewer that the students are surrounded, supported by his class family. 
Shallow speaking is sharp, those around are blurred to make him the focus, most important.

Dialogue, tone of speech, body language.

In the I am home since the shallow focus is used to show how this character overcoming adversity.  This is demonstrated when are the students were talking about his story and his emotions.

Freedom Writers - You are the heroes 

Brainstorm =
- Miep Gies has come to talk to the class about hiding Anne frack & her family. 
- Marcus stands and tells her that sh his hero. 
- Miep says that they are the hero.

Camera shots/ angle/ movements/ focus.
- Pan shots- used to show all the students are there and they are all focused & listening- not distracted like the previous series. 
- Tracking mid shots -  Marcus speaks. 

Lightning = 
- Bright, cold, natural- backlit - creates a halo effect making her saw angelic or a god-like work because the students see Miep Gies like a god because she saves the franks. 

- Subtle quiet, builds in volume & intensity, used to heighten the viewers' emotions.  

In the you are the hero scene of the freedom writers, 

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