
Thursday 28 September 2017


What I want to achieve and learn today on P.E. class:
learn how to do backwards roll. 
By the end of the class I've lent how to do it even though it was quite hard to. 

Monday 18 September 2017

Aim: To be able to grow plants or vegetable.

1. Get an egg tray and put soil on it .
2.Plant the seed (carrot)on the hole made on the soil.
3. Water the soil after planting.


Aim:  I want to find out how long meat can be preserved.

Method:  Try to preserve meat with honey salt,sugar and  vacuum  sealing
1. Take three pieces of meat  and the first one sugar to the second one and salt to the third.
2.  Put all three pieces in plastic bags with zip-lock.
3.  Keep meat in the bags for sometime.
4.  See which piece of meat is in a better condition.

  3 pieces of meat ,plastic bags  Honey, Sugar, Salt

Thursday 7 September 2017

Tuesday 5 September 2017

Science experiment

I want to find  out how lang meat can be preserved.

Try to preserve meat with honey,salt,sugar
and vacuum sealing. 

1. Take three pieces of meat and add some honey to the first one, sugar to the second one and salt to the third.
2.Put all three pieces in plastic bags with zip-lock.
3.Keep meat in the bags for one week. 
4. By the end of the week see which piece of eat is in a better condition. 


  • 3 pieces of meat (beef, 2 x 10 cm)
  • honey
  • sugar
  • salt
  • 3 plastic bags with zip-lock.

After one day of experiment - The salty piece of meat smells rotten. It's colour is brown.

One week later - The piece of meat with honey looks the worst and also smells the worst. It looks sticky and has a terrible smell. The one with salt looks and smells the best. 

The answer to this is that salt kills bacteria and it also dries meat, so bacteria can't spread. 


The experiment has shown that the salt preserves meat better than honey or sugar. Salt dries out the bacteria, that is why bacteria disappears. Next time we should try to preserve meat in different amounts of salt to see how much salt is needed to dry out bacteria.